Freeing the whispers of my mind

Friday, October 17, 2008

The thoughts a simple pic can evoke...

When I saw this, I just had to include it on my blog. Why? well, first off, it comes from the best wallpaper site EVER: Wallpaper Abyss.
Oh! They have the most amazingly amazing fantasy wallaper section. I still frounf the inspiration for City in the Sky there. But more on that later.

I stumbled upon this picture a while ago, and I noticed it just now in my pictures folder. Just reminds me of a certain someone...

Speaking of which, I saw I had a request on facebook the otherday for a questionnair on whether long distance relationships work. My advice? Don't try! Cos unless you're serious, it's not gonna work. And if you are... well... all the more reason not to try it (stay at home!)

I must say, if there is one thing I like about the Rhodes English Department, it's the fact that tutors often leave pretty decent quotes on the board.

Here's a fav 'o mine:

"The pen is mightier than the sword. Provived the pen is sharp and the sword is short."

-Terry Pratchett

Jotting down truths

To say that i have a bit of a thing for collecting words, is a bit of an understatement. A big Bit.
When I say words, I don't mean I sit with massive glasses, a cup of orange juice in hand and a fat cat at my feet poring over a massive dictionary, meticulously writing copying entries into a red leather notebook. (On second thoughts, that's not a bad exaggeration of the truth... barring the dictionary of course.)

I have always been an enthusiastic bookworm. I remember when I was in grade one, struggling along, trying desperately to learn to read (oh come on! the word "the" is pronounced "th-e" not "tha"! silly mom...). I still said to mom once in the car, "I hate learning to read. But i know that I'll love reading when i can." and i was right.

For years I threatened to keep some kind of record of the books I read. just basic stats: title, author, my rating, short description. unfortunately, my ever increasing procrastinating habits ensured that that never came to pass.

What I did do, however, was write down other things (provided a pen and the right book were handy). Names, poems, quotes, smses and yes, even entire mxit conversations. I think I must be one of the few people in the world who has accumulated several books entirely dedicated to recording sms and mxit exchanges. (I still do it, but thanks to my fanominal "i'll do it later" skills my inbox is almost permanently full.)

Of my seemingly random selections of what to record, quotes top the list. Little tit-bits of thought to inspire, provoke or just "hmmm..." over are as important as breakfast (but that only counts for those views concerning it are approaching reverence.)

So, now that all the preliminary explanatory nonsense is done with, let's get down to business:
my quote for the now:

"What, then is truth? Truths are illusions of which one has forgotten that what they are, metaphors which are worn without serious power; coins which have lost their picture and now matter only as metal no longer as coin" Nietzsche


Thursday, October 16, 2008

"Who I am"...

My name is Anthea.
My pen name is Anthea May.
I am 19 years old.
I am studying Journalism.
My family has lived in the same house in Vanderbijlpark since I was one.

Ok, so now you know my name, my age, what I do, where I come from.
But you don't know me.
That's because a person isn't made of stats. Sure, what Home Affairs has on file (hopefully anyway) is important. But, despite what people tend to believe, that's only the beginning of who a person is.
To me, a person's identity is not determined by your mane, age, history, morals, friends, wardrobe, bookshelf, pets or qualification (but they do count).
To me, a person is their thoughts.
Here are mine,
here is me.

The name Mythica was born while playing Need for Speed Underground 2 (for the sad, sorry souls who don't know what that is, it's a pc game. And a very good one at that.)
It was one of those moments where the thought just pops into my mind. As far as I know, I'd never heard the word before. I was pleasantly surprised to discover that it has a reasonable usage, particularly on the net.
Anyhow, "Mythica" is the name that I feel describes the inner me better than any other.

So welcome to my thoughts...

the Beggining

... there was a space. and that space was blank. It didn't know that it was blank, because it didn't even know that it existed. That's because it didn't.

But amongst the ever gathering and shifting shadows in the avenues of a contemplative mind, whispers began to murmur their dissent
. They wanted more than being the unseen ghosts of thought.
So one day, a Decision was made and the Space came into being and...
consciousness happened.

Then the Space knew that it was, and realised that it could be...

It is from that anything that this page - and its contents - will grow.

Laughing does more than make you feel good, it could save your life. Did you laugh today?

My Blog List

  • - *Coming to Rhodes will turn you into a snob.*Coming to Rhodes will in everyway not turn you into a snob. In many ways it is probably the opposite, Rhodes...
    15 years ago
  • Explore. Let's go to Europe to Dance. - Something about this aesthetic appeals to me. Think it's the dude in glasses and people just living their lives as they're choosing to design them. ATIKA ...
    4 years ago


My photo
Who am i? Who are you? If truth depends on facts which others can change, and reality is little more than perception... surely a definition of "ME" is, to some extent at least, superfluous? maybe. but then again, maybe not.... I am currently a drama and Radio Journalism student and hope to one day produce and direct music video's.
